
Export to Japan 27: Import Process and Procedures: Plant, animal and sanitary & phytosanitary quarantines

November 10 2021

10-11-21 | 10:30 - 11:00 AM CET

This is the second round of the online training series “What you should know when exporting to Japan”. It briefs in 30 minutes on the latest information on export processes and procedures relating to EU exports to Japan. It also covers trade and administrative rules and regulations relevant to EU businesses which are new to exporting as well as those which carry out regular, on-going businesses with Japan.

Focus is given to small and medium sized EU enterprises (SMEs) and to those sectors which offer growing opportunities to EU exports to Japan, i.e., food and health sectors.

What are the import process and procedures for foods upon import to Japan?

Import and sales of foods require more complicated procedures than those of other items in Japan. Regulations concerning food sanitation and protection of domestic plants, animal and fisheries resources are enforced upon import. If failed to pass at quarantines, imported foods cannot leave Customs to market for sales. Imported foods are also subject to other regulations upon sales.


Please keep in mind that this webinar is only accessible to EU companies which are registered to the EU Business in Japan website:

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