Granola & Breakfast Cereals

Organic oat flakes are obtained from oat grains subjected to special hydrothermal treatment, hulling and flaking. They are a rich source of digestible carbohydrates (starch) that give energy and a sense of satiety for a long time. In addition, they contain easily digestible protein and a relatively large amount of fiber regulating the work of the digestive system. The fiber contained in oats contains its absorbable fraction - beta-glucans. They support our immunity and help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. Oat flakes are rich in a complex of B vitamins (B1, B6), responsible for the proper condition of our skin, hair and nails. They also contain vitamin PP and E and many micro- and macroelements such as magnesium or selenium. 100% organic

Lestello Sp. z o.o. was founded in 1992. Since its foundation and until present the Company has been operating round the clock. Our main activity is production and confection of natural and organic products. 
The Company’s mission is to make healthy and balanced eating easy and most importantly very tasty. 
The Company’s goal is to stay close to all who feel part of nature, no matter how old they are. We try to contribute to the creation of pro-healthy consumption habits.
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