Granola & Breakfast Cereals

Lestello organic rice cakes are made of 100% organic brown rice. Brown rice is unpolished, hence, unlike white rice, it has much more beneficial properties for our body than whole grains. Rice cakes contain complex carbohydrates, which are one of the main sources of energy in human nutrition. They are also a valuable source of fiber, which supports the work of the digestive system and which, swelling in the stomach, keeps the feeling of satiety for longer. For this reason, it is recommended to everyone who wants to keep a slim figure. Rice cakes do not contain gluten, so they can be eaten by people suffering from celiac disease and following a gluten-free diet. Rice cakes are an ideal snack, especially for active people. They successfully replace traditional bread, it is easy to satisfy hunger between meals.

Lestello Sp. z o.o. was founded in 1992. Since its foundation and until present the Company has been operating round the clock. Our main activity is production and confection of natural and organic products. 
The Company’s mission is to make healthy and balanced eating easy and most importantly very tasty. 
The Company’s goal is to stay close to all who feel part of nature, no matter how old they are. We try to contribute to the creation of pro-healthy consumption habits.
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