
The Chair of the Delegation for relations with Japan (D-JP), Ms Christel Schaldemose, welcomed Honourable Japanese Delegates to the 41st EU-Japan Inter-Parliamentary meeting (IPM) in Strasbourg on 12-13 July 2023. Mr Hajime Funada, Co-Chair of the IPM was accompanied by 6 members from the Japanese Diet and 2 members from the Japanese House of Councillors. At the end of the 41st EU-Japan Inter-Parliamentary meeting a Joint Statement was signed by the Chairs Ms Schaldemose and Mr Funada. The Delegations reiterated their unwavering commitment to further deepening of the strategic partnership between the EU and Japan, and the free and open international order based on the rule of law. The strengthening of the bilateral relations recently including the green alliance and the digital partnership, and the benefits of advancing research cooperation have been well noted.

Among other points, the statement called for the establishment of international rules for safe and transparent Artificial Intelligence (AI). Recognizing the importance of advancing openness, fairness, impartiality, privacy and inclusiveness to promote responsible AI, it affirmed the contribution to the promotion of the Hiroshima AI process agreed at the G7 Hiroshima Summit, including topics such as governance, safeguard of intellectual property rights, promotion of transparency, response to information manipulation, including disinformation, and responsible utilization of these technologies. Read the whole statement here.

Source: European Parliament