
Biocat, The Catalan Healthcare Cluster, Explores the Japanese Lifescience Ecosystem

Picture of Biocat booth at BioJapan2023 - from right to left: Mònica Castellà, Delegate of the Catalan Government; Estephan Arredondo, CEO of Catalan startup Cytes Biotech; Yuko Kijimoto, Director of ACCIÓ, Catalonia Trade & Investment in Tokyo; Núria Martí, Director of Innovation and Business Development at Biocat; Clara Mediñà, Project Manager in the Strategic Alliance and International Relations at Biocat.


Biocat, a non-profit entity in the life sciences and health sector of Catalonia, is actively exploring the Japanese life sciences ecosystem with a specific focus on Personalised Medicine and Advanced Therapies. These areas hold priority status within the Catalan Bioregion, supported by the Catalan government, and present a significant opportunity for fostering synergies between the two regions.

The increasing interest from Catalan companies and SMEs in the Japanese life sciences sector, and vice versa, has prompted Biocat to gain deeper insights into the Japanese healthcare landscape. To achieve this, Biocat participated in the EU-Japan Biotech & Pharma Partnering Congress in Osaka on 10 October and exhibited with its own booth at BioJapan2023 on 11-13 October in Yokohama. 

Through this immersive experience, Biocat has reactivated previously established contacts, stemming from its involvement in European projects such as IURC Japan ( and BioXcluster ( Additionally, the initiative has paved the way for forging new connections, projects, and fostering potential collaborations between different prefectures for future partnerships.

Biocat’s participation at both events in Japan was part of a mission in collaboration with the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to Japan (Generalitat de Catalunya) within the strategic lines of the Japan Plan and in coordination with ICEX and ACCIÓ Japan.

Source: Biocat

Published: December 2023