
Developing your business in Slovakia

(Photo credit: Stanislav Kogiku)

The Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) in cooperation with the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Tokyo organized an investment seminar “Developing your business in Slovakia” which took place on 12 September 2023, in Tokyo, on the premises of the EU Delegation - Europa House. The seminar focused on Slovak automotive, electronics, and ICT sectors, to present investment opportunities to potential Japanese investors. Mr. Roman Hauser, the Deputy Head of the Slovak Embassy in Tokyo, introduced the activities of Japanese companies in Slovakia and emphasized the continuous development of mutual relations between Japan and Slovakia. Mrs. Simona Jurkovičová and Mrs. Stanislava Plascencia Lubinová, Senior Consultants of SARIO, presented to the representatives of approximately 40 Japanese companies the investment opportunities, incentives, governmental support mechanisms, and services of SARIO, together with the success stories of Japanese companies established in Slovakia. Mr. Ryo Koba, Senior Director for Global Strategy (Europe) at JETRO, brought up trends of Japanese investors established in Europe, challenges Japanese investors are facing in Europe, and highlighted the comparative advantages of Slovakia from the perspective of Japanese investors. Mr. Manuel Hubert, Managing Director of the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, presented the services this organization provides to Japanese companies while entering the European market. Mr. Takashi Kamioka, Director of Quality Assurance of MinebeaMitsumi, closed this event with the success story of Minebea Slovakia. The company has been successfully operating in Slovakia since 2016 and employs approximately 1,400 people. He stated that the company is extremely satisfied in Slovakia, and highlighted the strong support from the Slovak government, and the quality, and expertise of the Slovak labour force.

SARIO is currently preparing its annual largest B2B international event the Slovak Industry VISION Day, which will take place on 23 November 2023, and all Japanese companies interested in cooperation with Slovakia are cordially invited to join. 

Source: SARIO

Published: October 2023