Host a European trainee - Japan
Are you a company in Japan willing to host a European trainee? This programme is for you!
Vulcanus in Japan 2023/24 and 2024/25 sessions
On 23 August, the students attending the Vulcanus in Japan 2023/24 session gathered at Europe House in Tokyo for the final presentation of their programme, while the new students of the 2024/25 session joined the celebration.
Internship programme Vulcanus in Europe – One year later interview
Following up on the interview with two Vulcanus in Europe* participants published in June 2023, we are glad to share some updates from Yudai Morita, a student at Tohoku University - Graduate School of Engineering, who carried out an internship at the Spanish company Vector Renewables.
Interview series: the people behind EU-Japan Cooperation
The EU-Japan Centre is happy to present the 5th edition of interviews featuring individuals and organisations making EU-Japan collaboration a reality. In this edition, we introduce the stories of European companies participating in our long-run training programme for Japanese students called ‘Vulcanus in Europe’.
Vulcanus in Japan 2023/24 Session - Midterm Presentation
Vulcanus in Japan 2023/24 students gathered at Europe House in Tokyo for the Midterm Presentation on 26 April.
Vulcanus in Europe 2023-24 Session: Mid-Term Meeting in Brussels
Vulcanus in Europe 2023-24 Session’s ‘Mid-Term Meeting’ organised in Brussels.
Vulcanus in Europe 2023/24 - Interview with Yudai and Keisuke
During the orientation seminar for the Vulcanus in Europe programme 2023/24 session, held on 20 and 21 April in Brussels, the EU-Japan Centre had the chance to meet the participants of this year’s edition. We asked two of them, Yudai Morita and Keisuke Murota, to share with us how their experience abroad was going, which challenges they were facing and what hopes they had for the future.
Vulcanus in Japan – call for host companies
“Vulcanus in Japan” is a 1-year industrial internship programme for European engineers and science-major students, managed by the EU-Japan Centre. Recruitment of host companies in Japan for the “Vulcanus in Japan” programme 2023-2024 currently in progress.
Vulcanus in Europe – Get a Japanese perspective on your R&D activities
Starting in summer 2021, can you offer an R&D internship to high-scoring Japanese postgraduate students of technical disciplines? Open to manufacturing and non-manufacturing companies of all sizes.
Vulcanus in Europe - Call for applications for the attention of EU companies
Strengthen your R&D team & open your doors to Japan, through hosting a Japanese trainee.
Clone of Host a European trainee - Japan
Are you a company in Japan willing to host a European trainee? This programme is for you!

EU-Japan Centre's News

The Centre quarterly newsletter, December 2024 issue, is out! In this issue:   Call for…
The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation (Tokyo office) is recruiting a financial coordinator…
The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is currently accepting applications to the call for…
The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is currently accepting applications to the call for…
The EU Japan Centre is releasing a weekly press review covering Japan's economic and policy matters…
The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is currently accepting applications to the call for…


The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation Hybrid Seminar Accelerating the clean transition in the EU and Japan Monday 17 February 2025 17:30-18:30 Tokyo (9:30-10:30 Brussels) Venue:…
17/02/2025 - 21/02/2025
Mission dates: 17-21 February 2025   ABOUT THE MISSION Since 1992, the World Class Manufacturing (WCM) training programme has helped over a thousand participants from all EU member states. The…
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