
Direction that Japan’s carbon pricing should aim for -- referring to examples from the EU and California

September 26 2024


U.S.-Japan Council, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan and EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation Joint Webinar

Direction that Japan’s carbon pricing should aim for -- referring to examples from the EU and California

Thursday, September 26 16:00-17:30 Tokyo (9:00-10:30 Brussels)
(With English-Japanese Simultaneous Interpretation / Free event)

Carbon pricing (emissions trading system, ETS, carbon tax, etc.) is an effective tool for realizing a decarbonized society and has been introduced in the EU, California and the northeastern states of the USA, China, South Korea and other countries.

Meanwhile, in Japan, a cabinet decision in February 2023 set the direction of the growth-oriented carbon pricing concept, which includes the full-scale operation of an emissions trading scheme from 2026, the introduction of paid auctions for power generators from 2033 and a carbon levy system from 2028. The design of the system is currently underway by the Japanese government.

In this webinar, experts will share their experiences with the EU ETS and the California ETS, while METI Deputy Director-General will explain the current status of the system and discuss the ideal carbon pricing system for Japan, taking into account comments from relevant industries.

Please register for the event via the ZOOM registration link below.


16:00 -16:05 (9:00 -9:05) Opening remarks
-    Audrey Yamamoto, President & CEO, U.S.-Japan Council 
-    Toshiyuki Sakamoto, Board Member, Director, in charge of Climate Change & Energy Efficiency Unit, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

16:05-17:00 (9:05 -10:00)  Presentations
-    Takahiro Tajiri, Deputy Director-General for Green Transformation Policy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 
-    Atsuko Watanabe, Senior Manager, Accenture Strategy &Consulting, Sustainability, Accenture Japan  Ltd.  
-    Maja-Alexandra Dittel, Member of the Task Force for International Carbon Pricing and Markets Diplomacy, DG Climate Action, European Commission
-    Andrei Marcu, Executive Director, European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition
-    Danny Cullenward, Senior Fellow, Kleinman Center for Energy Policy, University of Pennsylvania, Senior Fellow, Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal, American University
-    Hiroyuki Tezuka, Fellow, JFE Steel Corporation

17:00-17:30 (10:00-10:30)    Q&A and Discussions
-    Moderator: Yasuo Tanabe, Managing Director Japan Side, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation


Registration: This webinar will be held on ZOOM. Please register from this ZOOM link to join.

Q&A: Registrants can enter questions in the Questions & Comments section of the registration screen.  Due to time constraint, it may be difficult to answer all questions.  Thank you for your understanding.


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