Japan E-Commerce Market Survey
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) conducted the FY2021 E-Commerce Market Survey to analyze the current state of the Japanese e-commerce (EC) market. It has now compiled the results into a report available online.
Report: eCommerce in Japan - "How it works" Guidelines
This report focuses on the main platforms of e-commerce in Japan which are Amazon Japan, Rakuten Ichiba and Shopify. It presents the information necessary to do business on those platforms, the procedure, and the logistics.
JETRO "e-Venue" matching site
JETRO's business matching site "TTPP" has been reborn as a new system - "e-Venue", as of January 2022.
Webinar 160: COVID-19 and E-Commerce: Market Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities in Japan (A View from Rakuten)
27-10-20 | 09:30 - 10:30 AM CETHow can EU SMEs best take advantage of the e-commerce growth during COVID-19 to better position their products for
Webinar 120: Market Entry to Japan via Ecommerce
19-06-18 | 10:00 - 11:00 AM CETWhat are the key factors for a successful entry into the Japanese ecommerce market?Japan is the world’s fourth largest eco

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