
Webinar 114: The Japanese Jewellery Market

March 20 2018

20-03-18 | 10:30 - 11:30 AM CET

Do you want strategic insight, tactical guidance and real-life examples of how to succeed in the Japanese jewellery market?

The aim of this webinar is to present an overview of trends and opportunities on the Japanese jewellery market, drawn from the experiences of European SMEs, and to deliver strategic insight, tactical guidance and real-life examples of how to succeed in the Japanese jewellery market. The webinar includes an overview of the Japanese jewellery market, a critical discussion of distribution channels on the Japanese market and practical guidance on how to evaluate the different market entry options, and a presentation of new ways to rethink strategy and market entry on the Japanese jewellery market. Case studies and company examples are introduced to show novel approaches to market entry..

The webinar is targeted to European SMEs with an interest in entering the Japanese jewellery market, and companies with an existing setup on the Japanese jewellery market but seeking a fresh perspective on how to rethink strategy: for example, by revitalising the company’s sales and marketing activities in the market.

Registration deadline: 19/03/2018

What you will learn during this webinar:

In 40 minutes from your desk, discover how to:

  • Revitalise your sales and marketing activities on the Japanese jewellery market
  • Understand key market segments, strategic price points and current trends in the market
  • Evaluate the different distribution options
  • Rethink strategy


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Speakers: Martin Glisby, Glisby & Associates
Mr Glisby is trained in strategy and cross-cultural management from Harvard Business School, INSEAD and Copenhagen Business School, and his work has been cited by prominent business leaders and professors on the "Top 50 Business School Professors in the World". Mr Glisby owns Glisby & Associates, a consulting company that act as trusted advisors to top executives and multinational corporations with special reference to Japan.
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

Please go to the EU Business in Japan website, to register for this webinar.

If you are already a member of the EU Business in Japan website, please log in and then go to the webinar link - If you are not yet a member, you will first have to register as a member via: and then when your registration request is confirmed, please log in and go to the 'Events' section of the website and register to the webinar.

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