
WEBINAR: Discover the space economy in Japan

September 07 2023

The Space.Japan Helpdesk, invites you to participate in a webinar co-organized with METASTARS.

Space. Japan Helpdesk aims to support cooperation between Europe and Japan in space-related Industries, focusing on specific sectors such as Space Communications, Earth Observation (EO), and Global Navigation Satellite systems (GNSS). Our partnership is thrilled to co-host this event Geomatics Research & Development (GReD), an Italian SME spin-off of Politecnico di Milano, that designs and develops innovative and bespoke solutions based on geodesy and geomatics techniques, mainly in two fields of application: precise GNSS positioning and gravimetry.

The METASTARS project aims to support the adaptation to the twin transitions of European SMEs working in the Aerospace & Defence (ASD) ecosystem. The project launched a Call for Innovative Services on the 1st of March 2023 to boost the internationalization of Japan and European SMEs.


  • Presentation of the Space.Japan Helpdesk
  • Introduction to the space activity and space business in Japan
  • Testimony of the CEO of Geomatics Research & Development
  • How the METASTARS project boosts internationalization to Japan of European SMEs and the financial support available
  • Questions & answers session in “chat mode.”

TIME: Thursday, September 07, 2023, from 11.00 to 12.30 A.M. CET

Participants can connect to the webinar only after the following REGISTRATION.



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