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The Lean in Europe physical visit to RATIONAL in Landsberg am Lech (Germany),
will take place on Thursday 07 & Friday 08 December 2023.

Click here for news about the visit,
Click here for information about RATIONAL.

There are 20 places available.


The on-site physical visit on 7th & 8th December will include:

  • Evening of 7th December - a lean discussion, presentations on RATIONAL's story, customer focus and on its Lean processes and organisation; a cooking demonstration to experience the cooking systems in operation.
  • Morning & early afternoon of 8 December - gemba visits to 3 plants, with stops and explanations; RATIONAL's apprenticeship process; debriefing and group photo.

For more information on the visit and its likely agenda please see the Lean in Europe #31 visit webpage.

Please complete this application form no later than 16 October to apply for a place.
For the terms and conditions please refer to the main Lean in Europe webpage.

Given the competitive nature of the process, and the limit of 30 places, not everyone who applies will get a place. You should NOT book any flights or hotel stays until you have received an email from the EU-Japan Centre confirming that you have been allocated a place on the activity. Anyone who does make such bookings now, does so at their own risk. Even after places have been confirmed, should the EU-Japan Centre have to postpone / cancel / restrict participation for coronavirus-related reasons, the EU-Japan Centre cannot be held liable to refund your travel / accommodation / other costs.

Whilst your company is welcome to apply for more than one place, depending upon the numbers of places available and suitable applicants, the EU-Japan Centre may limit places to one per company.

Priority will be given to people who have NOT taken part in previous Lean in Europe visits.

You will strengthen your application if you give information demonstrating that you have a clear role in shaping your company's lean strategy / process management activities and outline the lean strategy as well as explaining why your company would like you to have a place" on THIS visit (i.e., what it hopes to get out of it).

People working for RATIONAL's direct competitors will NOT be able to join the activity.

Applications are welcome from companies based in the EU27 or, under the EU Single Market Programme, in a number of other countries. Please check the status of your country at, for EFTA countries, please only refer to the sub-paragraph: "COSME strand (SMP COSME)". For EU acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidates, please only refer to the countries for which the agreement is in force.

Any questions? Please e-mail

Information about you
Just list the year, e.g.:
Have YOU taken part in one or more previous Lean in Europe visits organised by the EU-Japan Centre?
You can find a list of past visits on this webpage
Information about your company
Does your company export to Japan?
Is your company an SME?
For statistical purposes we need to know if your company meets the standard European Commission definition of an SME. If so, it must have 250 or fewer workers AND either a turnover not larger than €50m or a balance sheet total not larger than €43m. If your company is an SME please reply 'Yes', if it is a large company please reply 'No'. If your company is a micro company, please reply 'Yes'.
Office address

Please give the street address for your place of work

Information about your line manager
You & your company's motivation

Hint - these are key questions: The Selection Board will pay considerable attention to the answer you give outlining:

  1. your company's lean strategy
  2. your role in your company's lean strategy
  3. what you hope to take away from THIS visit
  4. (if applicable) how you expect to feed this into your lean activities
The more relevant information you provide to demonstrate your company's background and motivation, the better.

Hint - this is a key question: the Selection Board will be interested to see that you have a decision-making role, learn your main responsibilities and specifically what role you have in relation to your company's lean strategy or process management.
Your use of lean
Do you have I4.0 / AI / IoT tools that support your lean activities?
Travel information

The nearest airport to RATIONAL is Munich Airport (MUC, 90 km). The closest train station is Bahnhof Landsberg (6 km).

If you plan to travel by car / combine plane + hire-car, please select "by car".

How do you expect to travel?
Document to submit

Please upload a recent passport-style photo. Please label it with your company name and surname separated by a hyphen) (e.g. "Company-surname").

Please upload a photo in gif / jpg / jpeg / png format
Upload requirements
Final check

When you click on "Submit" a copy of your application will then be sent to the EU-Japan Centre and a copy will be sent to the work email address you gave.

Application approval
The Privacy Policy can be found at Please read in particular article 3.5 ("As regards "Lean in Europe" visits...").

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