
Next EPA Webinar & New EPA Factsheets


This webinar is part of a series of webinars organised by the EU-Japan EPA Helpdesk.
Each webinar will address a different topic or a sector and will look at the changes the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement will bring and the opportunities it will create. 

EPA Helpdesk Webinar 27: Rules of Origin - 10:30 - 11:30 AM CET on 17 November 2020

This webinar is targeted at EU companies seeking to understand and handle administrative matters before exporting to Japan.
Even if you already export to some FTA-countries, you will need Japan-specific information as the EU-Japan EPA is very different from other trade agreements concluded by the EU.



EPA & Insurances

These factsheets take a close look at Japan's Insurance market and provides comprehensive information on the regulatory landscape by subsectors.

  1. Life 
  2. Non-Life
  3. Reinsurance
  4. Postal

EPA & Telecommunications
Sub-section 4 of Chapter 8 of the EU-Japan EPA sets out the principles for regulatory framework for provision of telecommunication services.

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The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is currently accepting applications to the call for…
The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is currently accepting applications to the call for…


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