
Upcoming Webinars in March 2022

Please find below our upcoming webinars which will take place in March:


'About Japan' webinar series 187: The Japanese cosmetics and quasi drugs market
   Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 10:30-11:30 AM CET
   Registration deadline: 28 February

'About Japan' webinar series 188: How to build trusting and long-lasting relations with Japanese partners (MIRAI case study)
   Tuesday, 8 March 2022, 10:00-11:00 AM CET
   Registration deadline: 7 March

'About Japan' webinar series 189: The Medical Device Market in Japan
   Tuesday, 15 March 2022, 10:30-11:30 AM CET
   Registration deadline: 14 March

'About Japan' webinar series 190: Well-Being as Ultimate Goal of Smart Cities – EU-Japan Collaboration
   Tuesday, 22 March 2022, 10:00-11:00 AM CET
   Registration deadline: 21 March

'About Japan' webinar series 191: Marketing Challenges when targeting the Japanese market
   Tuesday, 29 March 2022, 10:30-11:30 AM CET
   Registration deadline: 28 March



Please keep in mind that some of these webinars are only accessible to EU companies which are registered to the EU Business in Japan website:

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The EU-Japan Centre currently produces 5 newsletters :

  • EU-Japan NEWS - our flagship newsletter covering the Centre's support services, information about EU (or Member States) - Japan cooperation
  • Japanese Industry and Policy News
  • “About Japan” e-News (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Japan Tax and Public Procurement Weekly Tender Digest (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Tech Transfer Helpdesk Newsletter