
The Japanese agrifood market: current obstacles and growing opportunities for the EU SMEs in the context of the future EU-Japan economic partnership agreement

The report aims to contribute to the support of EU exporters of food products to Japan. In this sense, it provides an analysis of the economic and demographic situation of Japan as well as of its level of trade integration in order to highlight how these factors affect the local demand and supply as well as the market access for EU agribusinesses. The Reports also identifies trends in this changing market which, in the favourable context of the forthcoming EU-Japan EPA, are likely to bring opportunities to European exporters of agri-food products. The report concludes with several business and policy recommendations.  

Additional document: Presentation on Market opportunities for EU agribusinesses in the context of the EU-Japan EPA (PDF) / audio file

Report written by William Fournel in the framework of the Minerva Fellowship Programme.

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