
There are only a few comprehensive statistics available about public procurement in Japan, to obtain a good overview about how and where Japanese government institutions spend their money.  Although various statistics can be found, they are difficult to compare as often different thresholds are applied when compiling the statistics.  On this page you will find a selection of statistical resources regarding public procurement in Japan.

Reports by the Japanese government to WTO

Statistics on shares and number of tenders won by foreign based bidders in various tender categories. Covers only tenders falling under the WTO regime.  Limited to tenders issues by national and regional government entities.

Link: WTO, Statistics reports under Article XiX:5 of the GPA

Annual reports on public procurement by Japanese government

 The Cabinet Office publishes an annual report, called ‘Japan's Government Procurement: Policy and Achievements Annual Report - Toward Government Procurement Open to the World - .  The publication consists of English language information related to Government Procurement stipulations, results of an annual government procurement survey, recent trends around government procurement and various reference materials.

The statistics have only indicative value as they are limited to procurement of goods and services by national government entities and directly affiliated organizations higher above the threshold of 100,000 SDRs, that have cooperated with an annual survey. 


EU Shares

Source: Japanese government annual reports 2004-2021


Reports available online (Click year for link)

2000 2004 2008 2012 (J) 2016(J) 2020 (E)
2001 2005 2009 2013 2017(J) 2021 (J)
2002 2006 2010 2014 2018  
2003 2007 2011(J) 2015 2019 (J)  


Public Works expenditures statistics

Only available in Japanese, MLIT gathers information on the expenditures by government entities on public works. The statistics include only public works larger than ¥5 million.  The figures include breakdown by type of activity, type of ordering institution, per prefecture and region and trends through time.  They are available at e-Stat website maintained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
Direct link

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