07-05-2019 | 10:30 - 11:30

What are the EPA opportunities in Japan for EU GI-protected products?

The EPA guarantees registration and protection for more than 200 EU GIs for wines and spirits and food-stuffs, including beers, and the possibility to add new GIs in the future.

This webinar was part of a series of webinars by the EU-Japan EPA Helpdesk. Each webinar will address a different topic or sector and will look at the changes the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement will make and the opportunities it will create. Each webinar will be accompanied by a informational materials. For more information on the EPA Helpdesk please click here.

The webinar is targeted to European SMEs seeking to export GI protected products to Japan.

Topics covered during this webinar:

  • EPA opportunities as regards GI protection in Japan
  • Difference between GI protection under the TRIPS and EPA
  • GI legislation in the EU

Speaker: Yvan Van Eesbeek, Consultant on International  Trade Agreements
Moderator: Gwenael Beauvais - Business Support Coordinator, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

Webinar recording and publications

The recording of the past webinar, its related materials, and the publication covering this topic are available here

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