14-11-2017 | 10:30 - 11:30

What should you be careful about when doing business or when investing in Japan from a fiscal point of view?

Nowadays it is getting easier to set up companies in Japan. This webinar will focus on the fiscal aspects for your company when doing business in Japan. What is taxable and what is not?  Is the corporate tax rate high?  When do companies have to file their tax return? What should you be careful about when you invest in Japan from a fiscal point of view? These questions will be discussed during this webinar.

The webinar is targeted to EU companies seeking business opportunities in Japan and who want to learn more about the Japanese fiscal aspects. 

Registration deadline: 13/11/2017

What you will learn during this webinar?

In 40 minutes from your desk, discover how:

  • Tax in Japan works when doing business or setting up a business in Japan


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Speaker: Ms. Hiroko Koido is owner and director of Koido Tax Associates established in 1997 and incorporated in 2016 changing the name “TGN Soleil Accounting Firm”  and located in Central Tokyo. She has over 20 years of experience in supporting SMEs - both Japanese and foreign - with their tax and accounting matters. With its dedicated staff TGN Soleil Accounting Firm act as a partner in their clients business activities.  
Moderator: Lyckle Griek, Japan Tax & Public Procurement (JTPP) Helpdesk
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

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