08-09-2020 | 10:30 - 11:30 CET

What opportunities does the Japanese Electronics Sector offer to SMEs in EU?

In 1957 Sony developed a small handheld transistor radio. This is the start of the Japanese Electronic industry. Other Japanese companies followed, and the Japanese electronics sector proliferated into many new areas. Japan become the largest exporting country of electronics goods to the rest of the world.

Lately, countries like Taiwan, South Korea and recently also China has taken a significant market share, especially in consumer electronics. The increase in the value of the Japanese yen has expedited this development.

To counteract this process, most Japanese companies have established production facilities in low-cost countries in Asia. Some products are still manufactured in Japan, but most products are manufactured oversea. The split between local and oversea production are different for various products in the electronics sector.

There are specific segments within the Japanese electronics sector which can be interesting for SMEs in EU. Before investing, it is vital to building up a good understanding of the market as well as contacts with suitable partners.

This report is trying to explain why and what opportunities there are and how to go about a market entry for SMEs from EU.

A successful business in Japan can be both costly and take a long time to start up. Information gathering is essential and also to consider what market entry should be done.

The webinar is targeted to EU companies wanting to build a business in Japan, either with own local representation or with distributors/re-sellers.

Registration deadline: 07/09/2020

In 40 minutes from your desk, discover:

  • A short introduction about taxes and responsible Ministries and Business Associations.
  • Market Analysis
    • The Consumer Electronic Sector
    • The Industrial Electronic Sector
    • The Components and Device Sector
  • Trends and Challenges for the Japanese Electronic Industry
  • Overview of Opportunities
    • SWOT Analysis
    • Opportunities in the Consumer Electronics
    • Opportunities in the Industrial Electronics
    • 5G Mobile systems
    • IoT Market & Challenges
    • Opportunities in the Component and Devices Industry
    • Venture Capital Funds
  • Summary and Recommendations


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Speaker: Sven Eriksson
Moderator: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office


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