
Report: Opportunities in Japan's Prefectures and Special Economic Zones

About the Report

This report, titled "A Practical Guide to Opportunities for EU SMEs Created by Policy Changes of Abenomics’ First and Third Arrows – What SMEs Need to Know" provides an overview of opportunities for EU SMEs which have been brought about by the economic policies by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. It outlines the growth potential for EU SMEs in the Japanese market as well as the various challenges of this market from the point of view of EU SMEs. Next, it explains what impact Japan's economic stimulus and various tax reforms will have on SMEs, larger companies and the economy at large. Finally, it discusses the "Third Arrow" of Mr. Abe's economic policies, in particular focussing on the new Special Economic Zones, the rationale for their creation, and what opportunities SEZ's contain for EU SMEs.

About the Expert

Max Berre is an economist and journalist with years of Japan-related experience. Click here to access his profile.

The recording of the past webinar covering this topic is available for online viewers here. (Once you are logged in, look for the link below the "After event information").

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