29-09-2017 | 10:00 - 11:00

How to effectively deploy AR solutions in enterprises?

Generally, every business unit (factory, power plant, assembly line) has a complex machinery that requires constant maintenance and well trained workers. Therefore, when it comes to know “How the machinery works” and “How to solve a failure or a risk”, the company needs support and well trained and qualified staff. These needs require high maintenance costs and high training costs.

To solve this issue, weAR, proposes, a new generation of user manual, accessible with mobile and wearable devices. MARKO (“Manual in Augmented Reality, Kit in Overlay”) is a SaaS platform, based on mobile augmented reality, to help training, maintenance and safety of workers in a new way. Every Company can assemble and share their own user’s manuals, quickly and easily, with a web creator tool. Users can access augmented instructions with a mobile app for smartphone, tablet, and smartglasses.

Registration deadline: 28/09/2017

In this webinar, we will cover the following:

  • Although the market has not yet massively adopted massively AR solutions for education, maintenance or safety operations, there are few early adopter companies with some case studies;
  • MARKO as a SaaS platform, a Mobile Enterprise Application Platform allowing a company to create and share user manuals via AR;
  • Case study  (Energy Company)

What you will learn during this webinar?

In this webinar, we will cover the following:

  • Short introduction to AR
  • Creation process of a project with MARKO
  • Case study (Energy Company)

Speaker: Emanuele Borasio, CEO and Fouder of weAR.
Moderator: Luca Escoffier, Project Manager, EU-Japan Technology Transfer Helpdesk
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

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