

About Automotive
The Japanese automotive industry represents the core of the Japanese manufacturing sector. The automotive sector is now fully aware of the environmental challenge ahead.
Autonomous Vehicle
Autonomous cars, commonly known as self-driving cars, aren’t new to the Japanese automotive industry. There will be more cars in the coming decades but fewer drivers on the road.
Case study: LPR srl

LPR srl – from IT

LPR srl was founded in 1952 in

EPA & Automotive - What are the specific Rules of Origin for vehicle and vehicle parts?
EPA & Vehicles
The EU-Japan EPA represents new opportunities to EU companies seeking to export vehicles and parts products to Japan.
EPA - Are chapter 87 products excluded from the EPA specific agreement on motor vehicles and parts standards?
EPA - What are the tariffs for used cars, vehicles imported in the EU?
EPA Helpdesk Webinar 20: Vehicles

How can EU producers of vehicles benefit from EPA concessions in exportin

10:30 - 11:30
EPA Helpdesk Webinar 38: Vehicles

How can EU producers of vehicles benefit from EPA concessions in exportin

10:30 - 11:30
EPA – what is the eligibility criteria for CH 8408 and 8407 products?
Export to Japan 5: Technical regulations - Motor Vehicles

What should you know when exporting to Japan in motor vehicle

10:30 - 11:00
Factsheet: EPA & Vehicles

About the Factsheet

Green Transportation
The Japanese automotive sector accounts for 18% of the total emission amount of Japan’s economy. Both the government and the industry are striving to implement new policies while increasing the degree of technological innovation.
Report: Alternative Vehicle Technologies in Japan
This report describes new technologies applied to the Japanese vehicle industry.
Report: Automobile and Transport Cluster Mapping and Industry
This report presents an overview of the Automobile and Transport Cluster and Industry Landscape in Japan.
Report: Autonomous Driving System Developments in Japan
This report aims to map out the current progress of Japan in this promising market.
Report: Exporting Automotive Parts to Japan
This report provides an overview of the Japanese automotive industry and the options available to European companies interested in expanding into this market.
Report: Opportunities in nine digital technology areas
The report has the purpose to show a map of opportunities for venture firms, universities and research institutes in the EU to conduct knowledge transfer with Japanese counterparts in nine digital technology areas.
Report: Smart Mobility Market in Japan and Opportunities for EU SMEs
The modern world is changing swiftly – the technological, environmental, societal challenges are addressed with new solutions.
Webinar 125: Autonomous Driving Systems Development in Japan

What are the significant advancements in autonomous driving systems in Ja

16:00 - 17:00
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