

Access To Finance
Although historically Japan has had low levels of FDI throughout the past few years this has been increasing with the country’s banks actively encouraging foreign investment in the country by offering improved access to finance.
Japan has one of the largest financial services markets in the world. Dense branch networks exist regionally.
EPA & Services
The EPA has an impact on transparency on domestic regulation and licensing procedures, independent regulators, and process for mutual recognition of qualification of professional.
EPA Helpdesk Webinar 19: Services & Finances

How does the EU-Japan EPA impact the various segments of the finance indu

10:30 - 11:30
Factsheet: EPA & Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Tokens

About the Factsheet

Factsheet: EPA & Crowdfunding and P2P Lending

About the Factsheet

Factsheet: EPA & Payment and Transfer Services

About the Factsheet

Financial Technology - Fintech

 Latest update: April 2023 

Incentives & Subsidies
From generous tax breaks to the potential for an accelerated immigration process, Japan offers many subsidies and incentives to attract foreign investment.
Payment Methods
When entering the Japanese market, it is useful to know about payment habits. Although Japan is famous for its high-tech environment, cash is still the Japanese preferred payment method.
Report: Access to funding and financing Support for EU SME’s Internationalization to Japan

About the Report 

Report: Accounting and Taxes

About the Report:

This report provides a summary of the Japanese Accounting and

Report: Financing Opportunities for EU SMEs' Internationalisation in Japan

About the Report 

Report: Financing Sources for EU SMEs in Japan
This report examines the possibilities of financing coming from many sources of potential support.
Report: Fintech Market in Japan
What business opportunities does the Japanese Fintech market offer to EU SMEs?
Report: Foreign Direct Investment Incentives

About the Report

In this report, you will find information about the different

Report: Japan’s Private Equity and Venture Capital Landscape for EU SMEs and Start-ups
The capital market for SMEs and start-ups consists of several segments, ranging from SME lending and crowdfunding to business angels and venture capital markets.
Webinar 173: Japan Private Equity and Venture Capital Landscape: Opportunities for EU SMEs and Start-ups

What business opportunities does the Japanese venture capital and pri

10:30 - 11:30
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  • EU-Japan NEWS - our flagship newsletter covering the Centre's support services, information about EU (or Member States) - Japan cooperation
  • Japanese Industry and Policy News
  • “About Japan” e-News (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Japan Tax and Public Procurement Weekly Tender Digest (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
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1 EUR = 156,396 JPY