

EPA - Is the EPA mentioning anything about climate change or environmental cooperation?
EPA - Is the new applied tariff automatic?
EPA - is there a guideline about rules of origin?
EPA - is there a transition period for Operational Safety Clause in the railways sector?
EPA - Our importer is asking for extra documents in plus of the “statement of origin” following requests from the Japan Customs, is this normal?
EPA - Private shipments from Japan
EPA - We have some products of EU origin but we cannot yet officially declare them as of EU origin. Can we list them in the statement on origin?
EPA - What are the differences between the different criteria of origin (A, B, C, D, E)?
EPA - What are the neutral elements mentioned in the agreement?
EPA - What are the quotas for beef import in Japan ?
EPA - what are the tariffs for beef and related safeguard measure by Japan?
EPA - What are the tariffs for importing sake in the EU?
EPA - What are the tariffs for used cars, vehicles imported in the EU?
EPA - What if my shipment from/to Japan contains many origin goods, such as Japan, EU, China, etc… ?
EPA - What is the impact of the EPA on trade with Japan?
EPA - what is the preference criteria for 5007 products using non-originating materials?
EPA - What is the rule of origin for honey?
EPA - What number should be put as Exporter Reference Number in the statement of origin ?
EPA - Where can I find a list of all the HS code of the products involved in the EPA and the related reduction of tariffs?
EPA - Why do I have to pay import taxes even if there is a free trade agreement?
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