
Publications - Reports

In this section, you will find a selection of market reports, fact sheets and publications drawn up by industry experts. This page will be regularly updated and we encourage you to return for future developments.

Report: Clean Technology mapping in Japan
Japan’s renewables market has experienced substantial growth over the past decade across most of the industry’s segments. This provides opportunities to EU SMEs interested in the market.
Report: IoT Market in Japan
This report is provided for SMEs in the EU planning to market and sell their IoT products in Japan. The document will describe the market, opportunities, and challenges.
EPA Export Handbook: A guide to help EU SMEs export to Japan
You would like to know if your goods may benefit from the existing free trade agreement between the EU and Japan? You are exporting to Japan but are unsure what 'preferential tariff treatment', 'rules of origin' and 'HS codes' are?
Report: The Medical Devices Market in Japan
The report targets EU SMEs that are manufacturing medical devices and seeking to enter the Japanese market.
Report: Marketing Challenges when targeting the Japanese market
Japan has the 3rd largest GDP worldwide, its population is over 125million, bigger than any single EU country. It’s the fifth largest market for Made-in-Italy products and France exports over €0.5bn of wine annually. Japanese consumers love brands whether they be in food, personal care products like cosmetics, fashion, luxury goods or cars.
Report: Digital Transformation Japan - Assessing opportunities for EU SMEs
This report takes a look at digital transformation (DX) that has been a key and a growing topic over the past years, where Japan is no exception. It aims to provide a holistic overview of the current state of the digital transition in Japan, with a focus on the initiatives undertaken by the private sector and assess the way it has transformed its business and operating models. On this basis, it aims to identify potential opportunities for European companies to enter the Japanese market in the digital domains.
Report: The Japanese cosmetics and quasi drugs market
This report presents new ways to rethink strategy and market entry on the Japanese market.
Report: Local Decarbonisation in Japan - Municipalities, Regions and Clusters on the Road to Carbon Neutrality
This report takes a look at Japan’s decarbonisation strategies, with a focus on the local and regional levels.
Report: Post-Pandemic Industries - Opportunities for EU & Japanese Businesses in Adapting Together
The research aims to show how the pandemic has affected our industries so far, and how it will in the years to come.
Report: Semiconductor market in Japan
Semiconductor industry is changing on a global scale and more and more European companies are presented with the incentives to join its global value chain.
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1 EUR = 159,306 JPY