

'About Japan' webinar series 187: The Japanese cosmetics and quasi drugs market
Do you want strategic insight of how to succeed in the Japanese cosmetics and quasi drugs market?
10:30 - 11:30
About Biotechnology
With an ever-increasing number of bio-ventures and the establishment of a new ecosystem in the Japanese biotech field, this sector offers many opportunities for European SME companies.
About Luxury Goods
The Japanese luxury market is one of the fastest growing in all of Asia. Increased interest in luxury goods by millennials and GenZ are boosting the industry. Not only prestigious foreign brands are on the rise, but local luxury goods are also in high demand.
Case Study: Star Nails Bulgaria Ltd. / SME / Have partners in Japan

Star Nails – from BG   

Star Nails - Bulgaria Ltd.

Cosmetics & Perfumes
Japan is the third largest market in the world for cosmetics and personal care products. Even though the global pandemic resulted in a significant drop in consumer traffic and inbound tourism, the domestic market continues to grow.
Export to Japan 9: Technical Regulations - Quasi-Drugs

Various EU products and services began to enjoy benefits from the EU-Japan Econ

10:30 - 11:00
Report: Distribution Channels for Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
This report discusses many of the main management and strategic issues for EU FMCG companies seeking to improve distribution in Japan.
Report: Guidebook for Exporting/Importing Cosmetics to Japan

About the Report:

Report: Japanese Cosmetics Market Obstacles and Opportunities for European SMEs
The report attempts to provide an overview of the Japanese cosmetic market.
Report: The Japanese cosmetics and quasi drugs market
This report presents new ways to rethink strategy and market entry on the Japanese market.
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1 EUR = 159,833 JPY